Thursday, December 22, 2011

Catching Up and Christmastime!

Well, I'm just gonna jump right in.

Obviously, the post I said would be here "after I move" never made it up.

I mean, unless you count this, even though I moved over two months ago.

I finished packing and Jordan came and got me from Goldsboro the Thursday after baby Connor's surgery.

Connor is doing well as far as we know, by the way, but he isn't the topic of this post.

I have lived here in Norfolk, Virginia since the end of September.

On October 13, 2011, Jordan and I got married.

It wasn't the huge wedding we thought we wanted, but it was beautiful.

Judge if you want, but he and I are happy.

We were married late afternoon in a small room surrounded by our mothers, sisters, his grandparents, my grandma, and his aunt Linda.   I wish our dads could have been there, but aside from that, I think it was perfect.

I got a job at a military surplus store, but I quit because I couldn't handle the drama between the other "employees", and my husband said we would be okay.

I re-registered for college, and I start at Tidewater Community College on January 9, 2012.

I'm really excited to go back to school, and I hope to be able to blog a lot more once I start again, because I really want to have this to look back on and even show my kids someday, and so far the gaps between my posts are too big.

Anyway, moving on to the real reason for this post...

This holiday season is the beginning of new traditions.

Things are not exactly as they have always been on either side of the family because Jordan and I got married, and that means TWO family Christmases.

We are spending Christmas Eve here, and going to NC for Christmas Day and visiting until the 28th.  

Then, Tabetha and Ashlynn and Savannah are coming home with us for New Year's.

I'll have a lot more to blog about after the fact, since there will be lots of new memories made, but I did want to catch up at least a little bit here.

Expect photos and details of the holidays soon!

Until my next post,

Stormy <3