Monday, September 17, 2012

Playing Catch Up!

Hello blog world! A good friend of mine has decided to keep a blog. I am very excited about this because it means I can keep up with her and her sweet family. We live about four hours apart but we were best friends through school so I am excited for this chance to keep up with each others blogs. I logged on to follow her new blog ( and realized I have not updated my own blog since May! My gosh it is almost October! Thankfully I have discovered the Blogger App for the iPod, so posting should be simpler for me from now on.

So now to play catch up... Since May I have gotten a job at PictureMe Portrait Studios. I am absolutely loving it! I spend my days taking pictures of families all shapes and sizes. It is really interesting to hear their stories and learn their personalities in just the hour we spend together during their session. I am really glad all that work I did on my graduation project in high school paid off, literally. ;)

I am also fast approaching my first anniversary of marriage with my sweet husband. It has been a rocky year but we have remained strong and are looking forward to many more years together.

We adopted a sweet cat into our lives as well. We named him Mowgli after The Jungle Book character. His name is to fit with his kitty cat cousin's name. See, Jordan's sister, Michaila, adopted her sweet kitty just a week before and named him Baloo. Both cats are from the shelter and we are very thankful to have rescued them. They sure do bring a little extra sunshine into our lives. Furry little friends. :)

It has been a fun summer filled with adventures including numerous trips to Busch Gardens, a Toby Keith concert, an Andy Grammer/Gavin DeGraw concert, a NASCAR race where I met my favorite athlete, and two weeks with my awesome little sister that I absolutely cherished. Now it's time again to pack up the summer clothes and prepare for a winter I am sure will be just as fun.

That's about the gist of what has gone on in our world since May, and hopefully I will actually be able to keep up with my blog now! ;)

Until my next post,
Stormy <3

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